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Competitions for Today

Competition NameHoles / GenderType
Blues + McQuade Mug #1018 hole MenStableford, Twos, Net Eagles, Jackpot
Chiefs + McQuade Mug #1018 hole MenStableford, Twos, Net Eagles, Jackpot
Crusaders + McQuade Mug #1018 hole MenStableford, Twos, Net Eagles, Jackpot
Highlanders + McQuade Mug #1018 hole MenStableford, Twos, Net Eagles, Jackpot
Hurricanes + McQuade Mug #1018 hole MenStableford, Twos, Net Eagles, Jackpot
Ladies Twos18 hole WomenTwos
Overseas + McQuade Mug #1018 hole MenStableford, Twos, Net Eagles, Jackpot

Message of the Day

Place Of Origin + McQuade Mug

No slots available at Nelson on Saturday 18 Nov 2017

Booking for Saturday 18 Nov 2017 will open on 4 November 7:00 a.m.

Please try back after the opening time, or try booking on another day.

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